This entity represents all Clients configured for the practice which can include referral hospitals and referral doctors. The attached contains the required format for the Client.CSV with a sample record.
The Type defines how the sample file handles the CSV data type to produce the double quote delimiters for each field. Make sure to change the custom field format if any if the fields noted as “integer” contain alphanumeric data.
Field Name | Type | Required | Description |
AccountId | “string” | Y | Unique record ID |
FileNumber | “integer” |
| Identifier for physical file. Typically an integer. |
ClientTypeCode | “string” |
| Client type assigned in the PIMS typically for alert and/or discount purposes. Examples are ‘A’ for Active regular clients, ‘S’ for Senior citizen discount. |
Salutation | “string” |
| Dr, Mrs, Ms, Miss, etc |
LastName | “string” | Y | Cient last name |
FirstName | “string” |
| Client first name |
MiddleName | “string” |
| Client middle name or initial |
Address1 | “string” |
| Address line 1 |
Address2 | “string” |
| Address line 2 |
City | “string” |
| City |
State | “string” |
| State abbreviation |
Zip | “string” |
| Zip code |
Country | “string” |
County | “string” |
Language | “string” |
| Language or locale |
“string” |
| Primary email address | |
Phone1AsIs | “string” |
| 1st phone number as recorded |
PhoneType1 | “string” |
| 1st phone number type – Cell, Home, Work etc |
Phone2AsIs | “string” |
| 2nd phone number as recorded |
PhoneType2 | “string” |
| 2nd phone number type – Cell, Home, Work etc |
Phone3AsIs | “string” |
| 3rd phone number as recorded |
PhoneType3 | “string” |
| 3rd phone number type – Cell, Home, Work etc |
Employer | “string” |
| Employer name |
SpouseNameFirst | “string” |
| Spouse/partner first name |
SpouseNameLast | “string” |
| Spouse/partner last name |
Alert | “string” |
| Text to be presented in alert pop-up window |
Balance | “decimal” |
| Client balance due |
BalCur | “decimal” |
| Client current balance due (0-30 days) |
Bal30 | “decimal” |
| Client over 30 balance due (31-60 days) |
Bal60 | “decimal” |
| Client over 60 balance due (31-90 days) |
Bal90 | “decimal” |
| Client over 90 balance due (91-120 days) |
Bal120 | “decimal” |
| Client over 120 balance due (>120 days) |
DiscountType | “string” |
| Discount type assigned in the PIMS (may be ClientType) |
DiscountPct | “decimal” |
| Discount percentage associated with the DiscountType |
flgInactive | “bool” |
| true = Client is marked inactive in the PMS |
flgSuspendReminders | “bool” |
| true = Client does not receive pet reminders |
flgReferralHospital | “bool” |
| true = This client record is a referral hospital |
flgReferralDoctor | “bool” |
| true = This client record is a referral doctor |
ReferralId | “string” |
| ID denoting how client heard about practice, website, referral, paper, etc |
ReferralName | “string” |
| Name of referring client |
Comments | “string” |
Branch | “integer” | Y* | Sites.Id |
*Branch is required for multi-site data sets.