There is no limit to the number of Marketplace workstation installations, so practices can access Marketplace services from any desired computer. Simply follow the steps below to install on a new computer.

NOTE: Marketplace must already be installed on at least one computer (usually the server) in order for these instructions to apply. If Marketplace is not already installed, or if you are unable to locate an installation, please contact VetData support by phone at (888) 838-3282 opt. 3 or by email at

Generate Install Code

In order to add a new workstation, it is necessary to generate an installation code.

  • Open Marketplace on an existing installation
  • Navigate to Marketplace Settings found in the lower right corner, designated by the wrench icon
  • From the Workstation tab, click Obtain New Code
  • Write down the code that appears beside Activation Code
    • Verify that the date under Code Expires is not in the past. It may take a moment for the code to refresh.
    • This code can be used for as many workstations as needed before it expires
    • Codes expire after 28 hours
    • If the code expires before all workstations are set up, repeat these steps to generate a new code


Install Marketplace

After generating a new installation code, follow these steps to install and setup a new workstation.

  • In a web browser, navigate to
  • Scroll the bottom of the page and look for the Download Covetrus Connect Marketplace link.
  • Once the installer has finished downloading, open and run the file.
    • A purple progress bar will appear during installation. If this bar disappears, but a window remains open saying "Please wait while Marketplace is configured," the window can be safely closed.
    • Relaunch if needed by clicking the Covetrus icon labeled "Covetrus Connect Marketplace".
  • Navigate to the Get Started tab and in the box below I'm a Subscriber! enter the installation code generated previously.
  • Click the arrow to the right of the box or press Enter.
  • After a few seconds, the window will refresh and display your practice name at the top.