Start Requisition

For both ImproMed and VeTech versions of Advantage, requisitions are started by entering mapped lab work either on the Invoice window or on the Invoice tab of the Medical Records module. The invoice does not have to be posted.

Attach Results

Results do not attach automatically to patient records in Advantage, but they can be manually attached relatively easily.

The Medical Records module is an optional module for Advantage+. This module must be present to attach lab results to the patient's medical record.

  1. Open the lab results within VetLabs.
  2. Choose File, the, Save as to save the results PDF to a local drive.
  3. Navigate to the Medical Records module for the patient.
  4. Click the green + sign in the lower left to create a new record.
  5. Click on the Attachments tab, then the green + sign in the upper right.
  6. Click the Browse button adjacent to Attach existing file. This button may appear as a small folder icon.
  7. Browse to the directory where results were saved in step 2.
  8. Select the desired results, then click Open. The results will be attached to the patient's record.
  9. If desired, add a Name or Comment to the attachment by clicking the Pencil icon in the upper right.
  10. After attaching results, delete the saved file from the directory where results were saved in step 2.