Once a requisition has been submitted, it will disappear from the Create Requisitions page. Users can review past submissions by navigating to the Requisitions tab.


The Status column indicates at what stage in the process a requisition is. The following statuses are possible:

Created/Requisition Number Assigned

  • The requisition has been submitted to the lab, but specimens have not been received.

Samples Received

  • The lab has received the specimens and will begin performing tests.

Partially Processed

  • In cases where multiple tests are on the same requisition, some may be completed before others. Partial results will be viewable through the VetLabs application, but they will not be written back to the practice management system until all results are final. 


  • The requisition was cancelled before tests were completed. 


  • The final results are available. If write back is supported for the practice management system, it will automatically attach to the medical record within five minutes. 


  • The results have been attached as a PDF to the patient’s medical record in the practice management system. This is currently supported for the following practice management systems:
AVImarkThe test record should appear in patient medical history with (g) under Type. Select that record, and click Attachment in the list on the right.
CornerstoneFrom the patient summary, double click the test record. Attachments are accessible in the new window.
From the All of Link tab of the patient medical history, double click on the test item. In the next window, you will have the option to display the attached file.
VIAAll attachments associated with a patient are saved together in the lower left of the patient's file page.

Error Attaching Results

  • Results failed to attach to the practice management system. This happens most commonly when the original record used to create the requisition is deleted or revised before the results have attached. Users can still access the results through VetLabs. If desired, they can download the results and manually attach them. If the original record was not modified and this error appears, contact VetData for support.

Click on the patient to access additional requisition and results details.

You can filter by the mapped provider with the option to select more than one provider to filter by. Only mapped providers will display in this list. 

If two PIMS providers are mapped to the same labs provider only one mapped provider will be shown in the filter list. 
You may need to hit the Refresh button after mapping a new provider to get them to show up on the filter list.

Once a patient is selected, an overlay will appear where users can access the requisition form or the test results.

The empty flask icon on the top left will open the requisition form in the default PDF viewer.

The flask icon on the top right will change as the requisition is updated. Initially, the icon will be grey and un-clickable. If the requisition has been Partially Processed, the flask will be half full, and users can click the icon to view the partial results. Once the requisition has reached the Complete or Attached status, the final results will be available. All results open in the computer’s default PDF viewer.