In order for VetLabs to recognize that lab work is available for submission, it is necessary to link service codes from the practice management system to the laboratory’s tests and panels. Once an hour, the PIMS codes are synced to be available for mapping.

In this example, a T4 test will be linked.

First, navigate to the Mapping tab > Lab Tests & Panels

This screen shows the Lab's code list. Use the filter bar in the upper right to search by Lab Code, Description, or Test Group to locate the desired test. Click the arrow to expand the code mapping section. Click the + button to establish a new mapping.

This opens a new overlay containing the list of PIMS codes. After finding the code you want, click the link icon to map the PIMS code to the lab code.

Multiple lab tests can be linked to the same practice management system code to create custom panels. Please note that if multiple practice management system codes are linked to the same test, and are added together to a patient’s record, that test may be listed multiple times when creating the requisition.